Home concept design projects for Urban Outfitters. Created mood boards for decor inspiration based on the two concept stories - Modern Femme and Entertain Lifestyle.  

+ Mood Boarding, Layout Design (InDesign), Concept Design


  For the Modern Femme concept, I approached it from the perspective of a Girl Boss - someone who is a fearless self-starter, ambitious creative and environmentalist. Her style holds its femininity through soft pastels and her furniture is made out of recycled materials as her way of giving back to the world that has given her so much inspiration. 


For the Entertain Lifestyle concept, I wanted to emphasize celebrating for the sake of just celebrating. I came up with the Best Day Ever, a day for friends to gather outside in a fun and playful atmosphere with good food and company to celebrate life and each other. It's a day to let loose and appreciate what you have right in front of you